Thursday, February 21, 2013

Some TIPS FOR LIVING GREEN from the Keller Williams Green Division:
  • Fix any plumbing leaks - sinks, tubs, showers and toilets all should be inspected for drips and leaks. The tiniest drip can add up to a lot of wasted water.
  • Turn down the heat at night and during the day if no one is home and any time you leave the house.
  • Use compact, long-life fluorescent light bulbs. They're more expensive, but they last several times longer than the old-fashioned kind.
  • During the winter, change the filter in your furnace every month. If the filter is allowed to collect dust, it will make your furnace work harder, use more energy and potentially shorten the life of this expensive appliance.
  • Use non-toxic cleaning alternatives in your home, such as baking soda, vinegar, etc.
  • No more plastic furniture - make sure your furnishings are constructed out of natural materials like wood, metal and glass.
  • Read the labels of the items you're buying and avoid the use of polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC or vinyl). It can creep up in toys, flooring, shower curtains, etc.
  • Compost your food waste and use as nutrient-rich soil for your lawn.
  • Cut down on paper products. Paper towels and napkins can be replaced with cloth rags and napkins.
  • Bite the bullet and start depending on reusable items, such as water bottles, food containers, batteries, pens, razors, etc.
  • Instead of going to a carwash or letting your garden hose run, wash your car when it rains - get out there with your chamois and your eco-friendly soap and have at it.
  • Whenever possible, think globally but buy locally. Transporting food across country uses up an obscene amount of fuel. An added bonus is that it's good for the local economy.
  • Cut down on your battery usage. The hazardous waste created by the lead in batteries is a danger to the environment. Instead, use rechargable or solar-charged batteries.
  • Avoid products with excess packaging. Reward companies who use packaging sparingly.
  • Stop using plastic bags! Plastic grocery bags are a quadruple whammy: they never decompose, they're hazardous to wildlife when they inevitably end up in their habitats, they're made from petroleum products and they can be a danger to the folks in your own household.
  • Instead of lubricants containing solvents, use castor or mineral oils to lubricate switches and hinges.
  • Be very mindful of what you throw away. Never dispose of paint, solvents, motor oil in your garbage can. Talk to your garbage collection company for proper disposal procedures of hazardous wastes.
  • Never throw away a computer. The lead is a hazard to the environment. Most cities now have specialty companies that recycle computers. Look in your yellow pages under computer disposal.
  •  Don't want your old photos and/or letters? Don't heap them on the landfill - donate them to your local historical society.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My notes from Dave Ramsy's EntreLeadership talk at Family Reunion:

It's about helping people and building people up and getting a tip.
Don't apologize for being successful
If anyone has a problem with your success tell them to Shut Up.

Business matters 5 x 5
1. People Matter
   * $ Issues are #1 cause of divorce
   *  Know people's name, birthday, anniversary, and challenges
   * God smiles when you care about the needs of others & put them first

2. Culture of Excellence
    * Thoroughbreds  don't want to hang out with Donkeys
    *  Leaders Serve - and make tough decisions
    * Unhappy Co-worker? Fly and be free in Jesus names
    * Responsibility of your actions - what's the liability of your actions?
         - If you screw up how does that effect others?
        -  If you make a bad decisions how does that effect others?
        -  Do your decisions & actions effect your employees spouse, kids, and finances?  Yes.  So be responsible for your actions.
        - Proverbs 31
                Who can find a virtuous wife?  Listen to your wife.
                 Make major decisions together
         - How do you FEEL about those people? Or that meeting?
         - Spousal interviews? Dinner and hang out - here's what your getting into.
    * When you join the team - you join the family
          - For better or worse: life happens, cancer happens
           - Treat people The way you want to be treated - that's your comp plan
    * ZERO policy for gossip & complaining
           - Give the problem to someone who can handle it
           - What is the solution?
     * Over Communicate with your people - meetings & dinners etc

3. Slow and Steady Matters - The Tortoise always wins
     * No Microwave businesses - have Crock Pot businesses
     * Gradually then Suddenly - Mark Willis
     * Books -
         - 5yrs from now we will be the same person except for the books we read and the people we meet"  Charles Jones
         - You must be constantly growing

4. Financial Principles
     * Get out of Debt
     * Have a plan and budget
         - On Paper on purpose
        -  Share with your Spouse and both be on purpose
     * Save money
        - Emergency Fund:  3-6 months of expenses in account
        - Negotiate everything
     * Act your wage - you are not a kid.  Grow up.
     * Be generous - help people with random ask of kindness

5. A Higher Calling Matters
     * Do the right thing
     * Why matters - Whats the reason you work?
     * Who? Family
Today's news from Family Reunion: "How to Market Like a Mega Agent"

Monday, February 18, 2013

From Gary Keller's 2013 Vision Speech at Keller Williams Family Reunion:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm heading to Dallas this evening for the annual KW Family Reunion! Mo Anderson, Co-Chairman of the Board for Keller Williams Realty, talks about it:

Our 30th Celebration Family Reunion is just HOURS away and believe me, the excitement is building! It's going to be the BEST ever in every way -- our Cultural Summit, Gary's "ONE Thing" presentation and Vision Speech, the State of the Company and State of the Culture Addresses, amazing breakout sessions, phenomenally inspiring keynote speakers, IALC Meeting, Red Bash, Denim and Diamonds Casino and Awards Night, KW Cares Auction, outstanding vendors and of course Our Inspirational Brunch!

WOW! Can you feel the energy? Can you feel the exhilaration? Can you feel the excitement of shared knowledge that will take your businesses to the next level? Can you feel the culture? Can you feel the fun? Can you feel the warmth of family hug after hug after hug? It's all waiting for YOU!

I can hardly wait to see you in Dallas!
Safe Travels!
Keller Williams places the focus on local agents and consumers!