Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My notes from Dave Ramsy's EntreLeadership talk at Family Reunion:

It's about helping people and building people up and getting a tip.
Don't apologize for being successful
If anyone has a problem with your success tell them to Shut Up.

Business matters 5 x 5
1. People Matter
   * $ Issues are #1 cause of divorce
   *  Know people's name, birthday, anniversary, and challenges
   * God smiles when you care about the needs of others & put them first

2. Culture of Excellence
    * Thoroughbreds  don't want to hang out with Donkeys
    *  Leaders Serve - and make tough decisions
    * Unhappy Co-worker? Fly and be free in Jesus names
    * Responsibility of your actions - what's the liability of your actions?
         - If you screw up how does that effect others?
        -  If you make a bad decisions how does that effect others?
        -  Do your decisions & actions effect your employees spouse, kids, and finances?  Yes.  So be responsible for your actions.
        - Proverbs 31
                Who can find a virtuous wife?  Listen to your wife.
                 Make major decisions together
         - How do you FEEL about those people? Or that meeting?
         - Spousal interviews? Dinner and hang out - here's what your getting into.
    * When you join the team - you join the family
          - For better or worse: life happens, cancer happens
           - Treat people The way you want to be treated - that's your comp plan
    * ZERO policy for gossip & complaining
           - Give the problem to someone who can handle it
           - What is the solution?
     * Over Communicate with your people - meetings & dinners etc

3. Slow and Steady Matters - The Tortoise always wins
     * No Microwave businesses - have Crock Pot businesses
     * Gradually then Suddenly - Mark Willis
     * Books -
         - 5yrs from now we will be the same person except for the books we read and the people we meet"  Charles Jones
         - You must be constantly growing

4. Financial Principles
     * Get out of Debt
     * Have a plan and budget
         - On Paper on purpose
        -  Share with your Spouse and both be on purpose
     * Save money
        - Emergency Fund:  3-6 months of expenses in account
        - Negotiate everything
     * Act your wage - you are not a kid.  Grow up.
     * Be generous - help people with random ask of kindness

5. A Higher Calling Matters
     * Do the right thing
     * Why matters - Whats the reason you work?
     * Who? Family

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