Thursday, March 14, 2013

Advice from Sellers to Buyers, Asheville and Otherwise

Contrary to common belief, real estate sellers and buyers are not entirely at odds with one another. The case in point, and the uniting force that drives both parties, is the property. The seller wants to sell it; the buyer wants to purchase it. In order to help buyers out, Ask Tara @Trulia has compiled five insider secrets from the seller's side of the property push:

1. Pointing out the flaws of my home does not make me want to sell it to you for less.

2. Knowing that you have cash makes me feel more comfortable selling to you.

3. Close-ability is a close second to proof of "cash to close."

4. Your agent is your face in the selling world, so choose wisely.

5. Make reasonable requests, phrase them nicely, and live up to your end of the bargain throughout the transaction.

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