Monday, April 8, 2013

A Blog Above the Rest

Big news for real estate agents and bloggers of all kinds: Google has implemented a tool called Authorship Markup that allows writers to stand out in Google searches by linking their online works with their Google+ profiles. This way, a picture of the author (read: you) will show up next to the work's description. 

Inman blogger Sam Debord discussed some tips for implementing your Authorship Markup, including using a verified email address with your Google+ account. Sound familiar to KW BOLDTech classes? That's because the premises are the same--both the Markup tool and BOLDTech strive to generate more traffic to your website/works/etc...

In order to best utilize the Markup tool, place a link within your content back to your Google+ profile, like so:

Tommy Stevenson

Your Google+ profile picture will show up as the author photo in search results. Make sure that this photo is 1) of your face, 2) professional, and 3) attention-grabbing! Good pictures equal more traffic. Although Google's search algorithms are confusing at best, the Authorship Markup tool promises a more convenient way for agents and bloggers alike to generate website traffic.

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