Monday, July 22, 2013

BOLD is coming to Asheville!! Don't Miss This Opportunity to Rock Your Real Estate Career!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
The Mill House
66 Asheland Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Russ Stewart



At this FREE event you will leave with proven sales techniques that you will implement the very same day! You will leave with referrals in hand and a greater ability to influence those you come in contact with. This program is designed to get you thinking differently. The bigger you think the more money you earn! You owe it to yourself to attend. It could virtually change the way you approach your real estate career and life.
BOLD facts:
  • During the last launch the average contracts per agent was 15.5 contracts in 7 weeks
  • Nationwide, BOLD increased production volume of attendees by 154% over 2011 production numbers
  • Attendees with 4 – 6 years of experience in the business had 48% more written units, 21% more sold units, and 19% more GCI than those with 4 – 6 years of experience who did not attend BOLD
  • Attendees with 7 – 10 years of experience in the business had 103% more written units, 49% more sold units, and 30%more GCI, than those with 7 – 10 years of experience who did not attend BOLD. Thus BOLD is even more impactful for more experienced associates
Register and attend First Step to BOLD and go home with a complimentary copy of The ONE Thing!
This event is hosted by Keller Williams Realty International

Monday, July 15, 2013

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

KW Realty is #1

REAL Trends 500 has ranked Keller Williams #1 for this past year! According to their analysis, KW's top brokerages sold more real estate than any other franchise's brokerages last year. KW brokerages represented 23% of the Top 500 by closed volume and 22% of the top 500 brokerages ranked by closed transactions. KW also had more offices than any other nat'l franchise ranked in the Top 50 of each of these categories: transactions per office, sales volume per office, percent increase in transactions, percent increase in volume, and 5-year percent increase in transactions. Way to go, Keller Williams!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

June 2013 Calendar

Short Sales Rise, Loan Mods Fall

According to data from Fitch Ratings, short sales are becoming the norm over loan modifications in foreclosure prevention tactics. Among bank servicers, loan mods decreased 26% between 2010 and 2012. On the other hand, short sales among bank servicers increased 31% between the same years. In instances where mods are not plausible or possible, servicers look to short sales to avoid the cost of dealing with a foreclosure.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Getting Your Money's Worth

The question: Which home improvements will increase the net worth of my home, and how much of my investments can I expect to recoup?

The answer, according to the Keller Williams Green Team:

1. A fresh coat of neutral-toned paint on the interior can make selling your home easier. A professional exterior paint job can recoup up to 75% of its cost.

2. Full kitchen remodeling (at an average of $39,000) can recoup 80% of its cost, while refinishing an outdated kitchen (at an average of $15,000) can recoup 87%. 

3. Adding an extra bathroom at an average cost of $14,200 can recoup 81% of its total cost!

4. Adding a deck for about $6,000 can usually recoups 75% of its cost, making it a very cost-efficient and inexpensive addition (especially compared to other outdoor improvements).

5. Don't add a swimming pool, unless it's for your family's enjoyment! Pools have virtually no resale value at all.

In short, basic is better. Prioritize fixing problems over luxurious additions and simple improvements over unnecessary, costly ones. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

KW Listing System

Facebook: A Mobile Ad Company

 According to Hillel Fuld (writing for, Facebook's newly announced numbers deem it appropriate to call the social networking site a mobile company. And since it claims 40% of the top grossing apps on both iOS and Android--and its user-base accesses the site mainly on mobile devices--it is more than a mere mobile company. It is a mobile advertising company.

  • Mobile monthly active users were 751 million, a 54% increase year over year.
  • For the mathematically challenged, close to 68% of all users, access Facebook on mobile.
  • $350 million of mobile ad revenue.
  • 30% of all revenue is from mobile, up from 23% last quarter.
  • 3,800 developers used Facebook mobile ads.
  • Nearly 25 million downloads came from Facebook mobile ads.

The fact that 68% of all Facebook users access the site from mobile devices bodes well for mobile advertisers. Those who see this trend and extrapolate its continued importance will come out on top of the mobile heap. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Importance of Appraisals

KW's Green Team has put together this brief user's guide on choosing and utilizing appraisal services:
When Should I Use an Appraiser? 
You will likely need the services of a real estate appraiser whenever an estimate of the value of your real estate is required. Most commonly, this occurs when you apply for a real estate loan, either to purchase or refinance your home. You may also need a real estate appraiser to assist in the appeal of your property tax assessment, for insurance purposes, for probate and estate settlements or other reasons.

What's My Property Worth?

It is common to ask the appraiser this question as soon as the appraiser has inspected the property. The truth is at that time the appraiser doesn't yet know. The inspection is the first step of many that the appraiser must complete before a value is determined.

The appraiser measures the house from the outside to determine square footage. The appraiser takes notes concern- ing the features of your house such as room layout, number of bedrooms, baths, etc. The appraiser also makes a determination of the general condition, appeal and functional layout of your house. All of these items are taken into consideration in the appraisal report.

How Long Does an Appraisal Take?

The physical inspection of a typical property usually takes about twenty to forty-five minutes. Sometimes an inspection can take longer if the house is difficult to measure or has some unique features that require additional investigation by the appraiser.

After the initial inspection of the property the appraiser spends time examining or analyzing the neighborhood or area. The purpose of this is to search for other properties that are similar to the property being appraised that have sold recently and examine neighborhood influences. When the fieldwork is finished, the appraiser completes the report at his office.

What Does The Appraiser Need to Know?

To help the appraiser complete the appraisal, you can provide some information that is helpful. Please tell the appraiser of any previous sale on the property within the last 12 months. Indicate if there is a pending contract to purchase on the property. Does the property have any right of way or other easements? Is there structural damage, or water leakage in the house? Is the property in a flood zone? Basically, inform the appraiser about any hidden features or detriments to the property.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Earth Day 2013

Earth day is April 22 this year, but here are some tips from KW's Green Team for living green every day!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rare WNC Real Estate

A rare real estate opportunity has presented itself at the former site of an historic lodge dating back to the early 1900s. The land, which sits on the summit of Toxaway Mountain, was recently cleared to reveal stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Owner Tim Bright plans to sell a limited number of lots on this land to comprise his luxury development, Preserve at Rock Creek.

The lodge that once sat upon the Rock Creek land served both as a nature center--where children of the area could learn about the environment--and as a hunting and recreation get-away for such prominent industrialists as the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Edisons, and Fords. In the early 20th century the Toxaway area became known as "the Switzerland of America," owing to its natural beauty and the string of resorts that popped up there.

 View from the Preserve

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Blog Above the Rest

Big news for real estate agents and bloggers of all kinds: Google has implemented a tool called Authorship Markup that allows writers to stand out in Google searches by linking their online works with their Google+ profiles. This way, a picture of the author (read: you) will show up next to the work's description. 

Inman blogger Sam Debord discussed some tips for implementing your Authorship Markup, including using a verified email address with your Google+ account. Sound familiar to KW BOLDTech classes? That's because the premises are the same--both the Markup tool and BOLDTech strive to generate more traffic to your website/works/etc...

In order to best utilize the Markup tool, place a link within your content back to your Google+ profile, like so:

Tommy Stevenson

Your Google+ profile picture will show up as the author photo in search results. Make sure that this photo is 1) of your face, 2) professional, and 3) attention-grabbing! Good pictures equal more traffic. Although Google's search algorithms are confusing at best, the Authorship Markup tool promises a more convenient way for agents and bloggers alike to generate website traffic.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Asheville: Best Market to Buy a Home

Not surprisingly, Asheville is often mentioned in Money's "Best Places" lists, including the Best Places to Retire and 2009's reader's choice. In more recent news, the Blue Ridge haven has been pinpointed by CNN as one of the 5 best markets to buy a home. Along with southern South Carolina; Reading, PA; Sante Fe, NM; and Portland, ME, Asheville has some enticing qualities of which home buyers should take notice. Not even including the natural scenery and eclectic cultural heritage, which have long been drawing tourists and residents to the area, Asheville boasts relatively inexpensive homes that have risen only 5% since prices bottomed out in 2011. A typical Asheville home goes for $249,000, while few listings are over $350,000.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Alex Krug Combo hits the stage at Highland Brewing Company tonight from 6-8p. Composed at its core of songwriter Alex Krug, violinist Ashley Cofield, and upright bass player Kevin Lampson, this Rock/Americana group promises a local music treat for its audiences. The group has evolved over the years to include such contributors as Patrick Armitage on the drum kit and Stu Benjamin on slide guitar. Tonight the band will be releasing their self-titled EP during their live performance. Enjoy the show, sample some fine local beers, and make a night of it! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Advice from Sellers to Buyers, Asheville and Otherwise

Contrary to common belief, real estate sellers and buyers are not entirely at odds with one another. The case in point, and the uniting force that drives both parties, is the property. The seller wants to sell it; the buyer wants to purchase it. In order to help buyers out, Ask Tara @Trulia has compiled five insider secrets from the seller's side of the property push:

1. Pointing out the flaws of my home does not make me want to sell it to you for less.

2. Knowing that you have cash makes me feel more comfortable selling to you.

3. Close-ability is a close second to proof of "cash to close."

4. Your agent is your face in the selling world, so choose wisely.

5. Make reasonable requests, phrase them nicely, and live up to your end of the bargain throughout the transaction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Keeping Current Matters' 5 Quick Tips for Agents:

1. We Must Be Able to Establish Trust
One of the tragedies of the economic crisis is that fact that consumers have lost trust in many of the brands, companies and people they do business with. Ford Motor Company, in their eGuide 13 Trends for 2013, reveals:

"Weary of misinformation, people are making integrity a new form of competitive advantage...More important than ever to building brand equity and differentiation, trust has become a precious commodity."

If you want to learn the four perceptions that drive trust in a consumer, join our free webinar, KCM's 5 Keys to Succeeding in Real Estate's New Market Reality.

2. We Must Become a Market Expert
Gone are the days of doing business with a client just because our children played on the same soccer team or they loved the cherry pie recipe we sent them. Today's consumer wants an industry professional that truly understands what is happening in the housing market, why it is happening and what it all means to the client and their family. We must become that expert.

Are you ready to commit to being THE market expert in your area? Check out for the industry updates and information you need.

3. We Must Have the Heart of a Teacher
Today's market is extremely confusing. With so much information (noise) accessible, the consumer needs someone who is willing to take the time to sit down with them and explain what actually is happening in a plain, straightforward manner (signal). As Dave Ramsey said:

"When getting help with money, whether it is insurance, real estate or investments you should always look for someone with the heart of a
, not the heart of a salesman."

For a clearer understanding of this concept, download our new eGuide
Real Estate's New Market Reality.

4. We Must Spread Our Knowledge
Whether by direct mail, blogging or other social media venues, we must be committed to spreading what we know as a market expert. We must build our brand as a 'thought leader' in the industry so the consumer reaches out to us for help with their housing needs.

Want help building a brand as a real estate expert on Facebook? Join thousands of other industry professionals, who have watched the free replay of webinar, The Facebook Strategy That Brands You as the Market Expert.

5. We Must Build Lifelong Relationships
Too many agents see the business as a never-ending cycle of 60-90 day transactions. Instead, we must be prepared to treat every client in a way that we create lifelong relationships. NAR stats consistently reveal that, at the closing, over 80% of clients say they would reuse us but less than 20% actually do. Current technology enables us to have a sophisticated, yet simple, way of keeping in touch with our past clients. We must commit to doing that - STARTING TODAY!

Monday, March 4, 2013

March is upon us, so take a look at KW's monthly calendar and newsletter:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Some TIPS FOR LIVING GREEN from the Keller Williams Green Division:
  • Fix any plumbing leaks - sinks, tubs, showers and toilets all should be inspected for drips and leaks. The tiniest drip can add up to a lot of wasted water.
  • Turn down the heat at night and during the day if no one is home and any time you leave the house.
  • Use compact, long-life fluorescent light bulbs. They're more expensive, but they last several times longer than the old-fashioned kind.
  • During the winter, change the filter in your furnace every month. If the filter is allowed to collect dust, it will make your furnace work harder, use more energy and potentially shorten the life of this expensive appliance.
  • Use non-toxic cleaning alternatives in your home, such as baking soda, vinegar, etc.
  • No more plastic furniture - make sure your furnishings are constructed out of natural materials like wood, metal and glass.
  • Read the labels of the items you're buying and avoid the use of polyvinyl chloride (also known as PVC or vinyl). It can creep up in toys, flooring, shower curtains, etc.
  • Compost your food waste and use as nutrient-rich soil for your lawn.
  • Cut down on paper products. Paper towels and napkins can be replaced with cloth rags and napkins.
  • Bite the bullet and start depending on reusable items, such as water bottles, food containers, batteries, pens, razors, etc.
  • Instead of going to a carwash or letting your garden hose run, wash your car when it rains - get out there with your chamois and your eco-friendly soap and have at it.
  • Whenever possible, think globally but buy locally. Transporting food across country uses up an obscene amount of fuel. An added bonus is that it's good for the local economy.
  • Cut down on your battery usage. The hazardous waste created by the lead in batteries is a danger to the environment. Instead, use rechargable or solar-charged batteries.
  • Avoid products with excess packaging. Reward companies who use packaging sparingly.
  • Stop using plastic bags! Plastic grocery bags are a quadruple whammy: they never decompose, they're hazardous to wildlife when they inevitably end up in their habitats, they're made from petroleum products and they can be a danger to the folks in your own household.
  • Instead of lubricants containing solvents, use castor or mineral oils to lubricate switches and hinges.
  • Be very mindful of what you throw away. Never dispose of paint, solvents, motor oil in your garbage can. Talk to your garbage collection company for proper disposal procedures of hazardous wastes.
  • Never throw away a computer. The lead is a hazard to the environment. Most cities now have specialty companies that recycle computers. Look in your yellow pages under computer disposal.
  •  Don't want your old photos and/or letters? Don't heap them on the landfill - donate them to your local historical society.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My notes from Dave Ramsy's EntreLeadership talk at Family Reunion:

It's about helping people and building people up and getting a tip.
Don't apologize for being successful
If anyone has a problem with your success tell them to Shut Up.

Business matters 5 x 5
1. People Matter
   * $ Issues are #1 cause of divorce
   *  Know people's name, birthday, anniversary, and challenges
   * God smiles when you care about the needs of others & put them first

2. Culture of Excellence
    * Thoroughbreds  don't want to hang out with Donkeys
    *  Leaders Serve - and make tough decisions
    * Unhappy Co-worker? Fly and be free in Jesus names
    * Responsibility of your actions - what's the liability of your actions?
         - If you screw up how does that effect others?
        -  If you make a bad decisions how does that effect others?
        -  Do your decisions & actions effect your employees spouse, kids, and finances?  Yes.  So be responsible for your actions.
        - Proverbs 31
                Who can find a virtuous wife?  Listen to your wife.
                 Make major decisions together
         - How do you FEEL about those people? Or that meeting?
         - Spousal interviews? Dinner and hang out - here's what your getting into.
    * When you join the team - you join the family
          - For better or worse: life happens, cancer happens
           - Treat people The way you want to be treated - that's your comp plan
    * ZERO policy for gossip & complaining
           - Give the problem to someone who can handle it
           - What is the solution?
     * Over Communicate with your people - meetings & dinners etc

3. Slow and Steady Matters - The Tortoise always wins
     * No Microwave businesses - have Crock Pot businesses
     * Gradually then Suddenly - Mark Willis
     * Books -
         - 5yrs from now we will be the same person except for the books we read and the people we meet"  Charles Jones
         - You must be constantly growing

4. Financial Principles
     * Get out of Debt
     * Have a plan and budget
         - On Paper on purpose
        -  Share with your Spouse and both be on purpose
     * Save money
        - Emergency Fund:  3-6 months of expenses in account
        - Negotiate everything
     * Act your wage - you are not a kid.  Grow up.
     * Be generous - help people with random ask of kindness

5. A Higher Calling Matters
     * Do the right thing
     * Why matters - Whats the reason you work?
     * Who? Family
Today's news from Family Reunion: "How to Market Like a Mega Agent"

Monday, February 18, 2013

From Gary Keller's 2013 Vision Speech at Keller Williams Family Reunion:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm heading to Dallas this evening for the annual KW Family Reunion! Mo Anderson, Co-Chairman of the Board for Keller Williams Realty, talks about it:

Our 30th Celebration Family Reunion is just HOURS away and believe me, the excitement is building! It's going to be the BEST ever in every way -- our Cultural Summit, Gary's "ONE Thing" presentation and Vision Speech, the State of the Company and State of the Culture Addresses, amazing breakout sessions, phenomenally inspiring keynote speakers, IALC Meeting, Red Bash, Denim and Diamonds Casino and Awards Night, KW Cares Auction, outstanding vendors and of course Our Inspirational Brunch!

WOW! Can you feel the energy? Can you feel the exhilaration? Can you feel the excitement of shared knowledge that will take your businesses to the next level? Can you feel the culture? Can you feel the fun? Can you feel the warmth of family hug after hug after hug? It's all waiting for YOU!

I can hardly wait to see you in Dallas!
Safe Travels!
Keller Williams places the focus on local agents and consumers!